Here is a compilation of quick questions that Limo Bus Atlanta receives most often from our customers when they are planning a trip with us for the first time, along with concise answers to save you time in your own planning process. If you don't see your question here, please get in touch with Limo Bus Atlanta via phone or email! Our contact info is at the top of the site.
You're more than welcome to bring decorations. We also offer special packages for certain events such as weddings that include some decorations, so be sure to ask!
We cannot provide alcohol to you, but you are welcome to bring your own. If there is anyone in your party under 21 years of age, alcohol will not be permitted on the bus.
No. Each bus has its own distinctive style and features, and some buses are better than others for certain events! Check out our vehicles page for more info.
No. We work hard to ensure there will be no additional fees, with the exception being trips that travel outside of our normal service area, but that will be discussed up-front. No hidden fees or surprise bills.